Monday, January 10, 2011

January Blues

I'm not quite sure just what it is about January that I dislike. It's the first month of the year, it's my birth month, it's all new beginnings and fresh start, blah, blah, blah. All of my life, it's always been that one month that puts me in a funk. Things always happen during this month that are not fun. For example, when in fifth grade, we had this thing called pink slips. If you did something bad, you had to fill out a pink slip and stay in for recess. You'd think during January in Wisconsin, this would be ideal. Not really, as the teacher who stayed in with you was fragrant, to put it nicely.  I always ended up with like three pink slips during my birthday week. I've been in a few car accidents during my birthday week too, nothing serious, just minor fender issues, like taking the mirrors off of my sedan on the house. Yes, the house.

I could go on about the untimely deaths of both of my grandparents right around my birthday and really spin us all into a giant poor me, sad funk, but I won't. 

So I revisit my initial statement, I'm not sure what it is about January. I always end up in a funk. I'm sure it has to do with the winter blahs, the dark, cold, and gray days. I guess I just am curious how I'd be if January was actually June. What if they switched places? Would I be a perkier, happier Jane? Or would the funk still haunt me?  Is it weather related? Is it Birthday related?  I'm not one of those crybabies about growing older. It happens, you can't stop it, so why bother?

Anyway, I need to treat myself well, so I'll stop this little diatribe on January.  I'm kind of looking forward to February, although Valentine's Day is in that month. Don't even get me started on Valentine's Day....


  1. As long as you can put a cap on it by February, roll with it. And of course, medicate the funk with chocolate.

  2. Of course I'll medicate that funk with some chocolate,and maybe some wine. The cap will be sealed before Jan 29th my friend.
