Friday, March 11, 2011

Full Circle....

Yes, it's been a month, almost two, since I've blogged.  I could say that I've been a bad blogger, but so many things have gone on in my life in the last few months, I don't feel bad at all. Life happens, and that's what this very bloggity blog is about.

In the past month, I've hit rock bottom, reconnected with old friends, found my center, lost my center, found my center again, gave up on corporate america, and went on a fantastic vacation with Mr. Jane, come back, and given up on corporate america yet again.  The cycle of life really is an interesting thing isn't it?

I think everything happens for a reason. You meet people, you see things, you hear things, all for a reason. Now what reason that is, well that's open for interpretation by you. Your reason and your reason is yours alone, that's not what this blog is about. It's odd how many people have come and gone in my life in the last 10 years and it's also odd as to who have become my constants.  Life happens, it keeps going no matter what you're doing, or how you're feeling, the cycle will continue on. It doesn't stop for anyone.  It's really a powerful thing if you think about it, we mourn our loved ones when they go, but we continue to live day to day, week to week, month to month. It's keeps going, gathering motion, steaming on, towards what, we have no idea.

I love the fact that I can go without seeing some old college friends for 10 years, and meet up on a whim, and pick right back up where we left off (is that a good thing? I don't know!). I have seen some friends leave this past year, but that's ok, it's better for all involved, but I've also gained some new friends. I think as long as you know who your constants are (in my case Mr. Jane and Munchkin). I think once you've got that figured out, the rest of it is just cake, isn't it?

Yes, what a ramble this post is, hopefully I'll be writing more now that I've figured out some things. Bottom line, love your constants...they are what matter. 

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